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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Overvalued in 2011 – iPad 2, iPhone 5 and Apple’s Attraction

When you’re looking for some new technology in your home, and start visiting online stores and the local electronics store, making sure the product is not overpriced has to be on top of your checklist. Apple products are known for their quality – to most of us – and the old saying ‘you get what you pay for‘ still rings true today.
The tech enthusiast is smarter than ever, and the Internet has helped buyers make sure they get a good deal, but Apple likes to keep a hold on the process of making their products, from the design, construction, and the sale. So when would a buyer feel that Apple’s products are overpriced? Especially when Apple buyers mostly buy direct.
The attraction for Apple’s MacBooks and other devices is increasing, and this has been shown in their latest sales results. Complaints have started to show from some of PR’s readers, with some people saying Apple’s iPad 2 and iPhone 5 “will be overpriced” in 2011, and not worth the money when comparing the specs to similar priced products. Do you feel like this?
We cannot confirm if these people own Apple products, but those of you that do know the quality you’re buying in the brand Apple. We’ve heard sayings like “once you go Mac, you don’t go back”. With this in mind, its our view that you will own an Apple MacBook Pro longer than you would an equivalent competitor, the products feel that much more solid and reliable.
The iPad 2 and iPhone 5 in 2011 will be more scrutinized that previous years, and this will be due to increased competition, and more options for consumers. Will these products be overvalued? Maybe they will, but you can also bet their reliability will be extra-value too. Apple will need to bring down their price a little to be more competitive, which may lead to mini-iPhone and iPads or at least versions with reduced features, showing again that you get what you pay for.
Recent news of a March 2 event will likely settle the price expectations for iPad 2, with some blogs claiming it could kill the Motorola Xoom if prices are similar. Are you willing to pay a premium for the Apple brand?
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